Contribution CapMcnuggets
Just wanted to share this project I just finished up with the community and get some feedback from you all. It started life as a 940sc Glock 26 clone in the black frame with standard texture. I have since removed all logos, panels, texture and factory lines. I also enhanced and reshaped the finger grove, accelerator cuts, magazine scallop, under cuts and the trigger guard itself. I removed all the factory blemishes and seams that run down the trigger guard, back strap and I removed those bumps on the front strap just below the trigger guard to really open up that finger groove as much as possible. I polished the finger groove, magazine scallop, underside of trigger guard, accelerator cuts. I added all new panels, lines, plus texture to not just the grip but also the trigger guard and the accelerator cuts (index point and gas pedal for support hand thumb). This is not painted or cerakoted so I can not hide any blemishes or imperfections. The texture is Outstanding and was done with a 30watt short barrel wood burner paired to the Thorns Tip from OT Defense. Everything else was done by hand with a dremel and few carbide and diamond tip attachments and various grits and sized sanding drums, abrasive buffing wheels, and a polishing wheel. Let me know what you guys think, this is only my 3rd time ever attempting something like this and I think I’m learning and picking it up fast. I’ll only get better and better the more I do it. Although the frame looks completely different now that was not the intended purpose of these modifications and changes. They were all intentional and purpose driven to serve a specific function for me to edc/conceal carry this daily. Here is some photos of the process before, during and after of the finished product (for now). Anyone can do this with the right tools and lots of patience If you pay attention to a few basic principles.

If you want to see more or get more in depth on every bit or speeds of dremel or what grits and sizes of drums etc check out my YouTube
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