Hello Everyone,
After upgrading Ender 3 v2 NEO with dual z axis, direct drive Creality sprite SE and went to glass bed. I got my prints coming out almost perfect. Printed multiple CHEP test cubes until the cube corners stopped curling and print was prefect. So got the Z axis dialed in perfect, with no filament squeezing out the sides. However, the problem I am having now is removing those prints. The prints stick to good to the bed. The bigger the print the hard it is to take off. I really don't want to have to use a scrapper/putty knife ever time on the bed. I have tried heating the bed back up to remove the print. I have also tried the 50/50 rubbing alcohol and water trick. Does not seem to get under the piece enough release the printed. I does work well on thin small pieces and left over pre print lines and outlines that do not come off with my fingernail.
I was hoping someone might have some other tricks to try to easily remove my prints.
I am use Duramic PLA+ and Cura for my slicer when printing. Duramic recommends 220 +/- 10 degress and 60 degree bed, so that is what I am printing at.
Thanks for all the suggestions to getting my issue resolve. 1 to 2 mins in the freezer released my print super easy.